- Have you been told all your life that you ruin things and nothing about you is good? Does it seem like no matter what you do things always just doesn’t work out for you? It’s not like you want things to fail. You want things to change. All changes begin with education. Education on why things happened the way they did. Why do we think the way we do. Failure is a part of a perspective from the mind.
- Appreciate who you are.
- All changes begin with education. - Your mind is the most important resource you have. This 3 pound organ has the capacity to create, feel, design, learn, and grow. Nothing we have made in this world is even remotely close to the potential of your brain. Remember that every action you do or experience is teaching your brain something. You can be teaching it to relax after a long day. Or to embrace hard tasks at work. Or that you fail at everything you do.
- Appreciate your unique mind.
- Your mind is the source to all your decisions in life. Actively protect it from bad influences.
- Move away from damaging environments if you can, because not all damages are visible. - All because you look ok doesn’t mean you are well inside. Bad companies does corrupt good morals. The things we learn from our environments are subtle. Even if we are consciously rejecting a belief, our subconsciousness is still learning from the circumstance. One of the results of this is the mindset of definite failure.
- If you live in a story to fail, you will find a way to fail.
- We believe what we want to believe. - Ever met an arrogant person that just doesn’t change no matter what you do? That’s an example of we ONLY see what we want to see. It doesn’t matter what me or you say to an arrogant person. If he doesn’t want to change, no one can make him. Right now that belief of “I will fail no matter what I do.”, is that arrogance. Unless you actively want to change this belief, you won’t change. If you are looking for someone to just agree with your mentality, you won’t change. You have to WANT to change.