What is Emotional Intelligence & How It Affects Relationships

We’re going to be exploring emotional intelligence today! Emotional intelligence isn’t a skill that appears on a resume, but it has a huge intangible impact how you work in teams, build relationships with others, and in casual relationships too.

This is the skill that helps you know what to say when encountered tense situations like trying to diffuse an argument or knowing what to do to replenish yourself from discouragement.

For this topic, I am going to look at the composition of emotional intelligence on an introduction level. It’s only the surface, but there are still so much to go over and full of potential for growing and developing our lives. Enjoy!

Magnesium, Better Sleep, Better Health

Ever wonder why exactly we eat magnesium? Yeah me neither. But I decided that I really wanted to understand everything that is going into my body, even the metals.

Some of you right now might be thinking, “We’re actually eating metals?”. Yes we are and a good amount of it too. There are actually various biochemical reactions inside our bodies that require minerals in order to function. Magnesium alone is involved in over 300 reactions in the body!

Magnesium is considered a macronutrient, because our body needs lots of it. Parts of our bodies like our brain, bones, muscles, all require magnesium in order to function. The kidneys play the part of regulating the levels of magnesium in the body.

However, in our daily life, there are practices that drains us of our magnesium. Like drinking coffee depletes us of this much needed mineral.

Our aim is always to educate ourselves so that we can become healthy individuals with the capability of reaching our goals in life.

How Sadness Burdens Your Body!

Sometimes there is this common notion that feeling sad is just kind of there. It doesn’t actually affect us as people, because it’s just a feeling. It’s not real, and people who feel sad and depressed would eventually just get over it. Give them a little time.

In our everyday lives, we go through make different phases where we just feel sad. It may be from the financial stress that we feel at the bottom of a huge debt or from years of relationship problems where more than difficult to communicate with our significant other.

We feel sad, but is it ok to feel sad? Is it ok to stay sad for long periods of time?

Here in this section of my video, I am exploring into how the emotion of sadness affects our bodies and what are the causes that trigger our bodies to be harmed as a result from sadness.

Our entire body is linked together emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically. To think that one dimension of the body is completely independent of another will cause a lot of problems.

But let’s explore and understand the entirety of our bodies together little by little!

My Top 3 Important Social Etiquettes for Everyday Conversations

I thought a lot about daily conversations & just want exactly are some of the things that I, personally, wanted to give a small rant about. These things aren't just small things to me, but they also reveal your understanding of social etiquettes.

My Top 3 are:

  • Listening to the other person
    • I believe God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth, so we can listen more and talk less.
  • Punctuality
    • This actually touches on self-respect and respect for others.
  • Respecting Personal Space
    • If you step in someone's space without permission, there will be consequences.

Or.... maybe it's just me.

To Understand or Not To Understand [Less Stress in Daily Conflicts]

We're often given choices in our lives. Good ones and bad ones. We all know which ones we've made. I had my fair share too.

This doesn't mean we won't make anymore mistakes, but there are times when we can actively choose to make the best of the situation. This involves understanding, especially within a relationship context.

In a conflict, we always have a decision to try to understand the other person or not. Without understanding from either side, a conflict will never be resolved. Here I will be discussing why exactly we should be the one to take the first step in reaching out to the other person. Enjoy!

Why Working On Yourself Helps Everyone!

Another day?.. another week? Time doesn't slow down anymore. It only gets faster as you age. So I said to myself, I am going to do something about this.

My conclusion is I wanted to make myself more useful. Even just a little bit every single day, because it helps you and everyone else!

Have you ever talked to someone that just has nothing to talk about? Yes, it can mean that the person is just feeling awkward and not wanting to talk much. However, this can also mean that the person is not experiencing anything new or not growing.

When you improve on your math skills or you have went to Germany, Japan, Italy, you gained something intangible through adapting and struggling in the learning process. You become more intelligent socially and academically. As a person, you can share more, contribute to the society, and assist others along the way.

But we all know that. I'm here to say. Put in that hard work to gain that experience and knowledge for yourself! Commit to learning and developing on your skills and talents every day, because there are so much more good that can come out of it!

Stop Trying to Make Everyone Happy!

I challenge you to ask the people around you if they are happy with their lives. Doesn’t matter what their background is. See if you can get just 10 people that say love their lives.

It’s tough right? Truly happy people are hard to come by, because it’s so much easier for us to be pessimistic than optimistic. And the difference between the two is in how they process their experiences with the world.

Not how YOU can change their experiences, but how THEY process the experiences.

This jumps into the topic that I wanted to address, which is Stop Trying to Make Everyone Happy.

Because we can’t do it. We can’t control how someone feels about another person or a loss of a family. We can try to help someone see something from a different angle, but if they choose not accept it, there is nothing we can do.

We are not responsible for the happiness of other people. Yes, there is to some extent where what we do will affect the experiences of other people [and we should be considerate of how others might feel], but we are ultimately not responsible for how they feel.

So don’t try to be a hero and carry their unhappiness thinking that it will make a difference.

My Life Isn't Going Anywhere! Let's Talk Purpose

Just another lunch. Another project. Another day.

It feels like the day gets old fast. Then before you know it, another year has passed. How do other people get so motivated and excited about their life? Why is it that I feel like I just surviving through my day and not living it?

Ever felt like that?

I went through these thoughts a good amount of times and just can't quite figure out why I don't like going through my day. I don't know if there even is a light at the end of the tunnel. 

Then I realized the essence of purpose. Purpose, when it is held to high importance, unifies the person. Any type of goals can define a reason for the actions you do everyday.

You have to set good goals, because not all goals are right, in a moral sense, or beneficial to you. Be care in filtering what goals to aim for.

However, having a clear purpose gives you reason for you to move your life forward.

Identity, Is It the Anchor to Your Life?

PAUSE for a minute.

1, 2, 3. Ok. You’re good now.

Without a pause, sometimes we might just never stop in life. Stop to think about why we are doing what we’re doing. Stop to think about am I actually moving towards my goal in life.

Not so good if we spend too much time doing the wrong things that don’t help us.

Even ants know what they are suppose to do. During the summer time gather food and rest in winter. Simple, short, and sweet, but at least they know what they are doing in life.

They don’t have trouble getting out of bed or need motivation to get themselves pumped for the day. They just do it. Man! so simple.

Their role is ingrained inside them. Hard hard wired, so they only need to execute. They have no need to second guess who they are and what they are doing in life.

So inspirational! Are you like an ant?

In this video, I’m aiming to challenge and to explore identity. What is it and do you have strong one to anchor yourself down in this busy world?